Thursday, June 2, 2011

This is My New Design

      Hello guys! I'm back again in blogger world. Y, you know I really miss blogging. Oke. First time, I wanna tell you about something that I just know. This application showing about how to design a clothes, background, and whatever you want. I just found this application from my friend, her name is Salsabilla Khansa. Yeah, I don't really interest about fashion, but I really like design! :D Oke, let me showing about my design. Check it out!


Oh yeah, this is the first time I design clothes. Totally, destroyed creation! -___-

White Stripes

The second time I design this clothes
 with theme "The Girl Who Like to Go Out at Night" 
6 People are like my creation! 

Pink Glam 

This one looks so elegant. I'd like to use this theme 
"The Girl in The Party" 

Gold Sparkles

Paris J'adore

This! Is one of my favorite looks! Love ya! <3


What a cute girl! This girl, described about 
my true character. Ha! :D

Random Queen 

What the hell! This woman really looks beautiful, graceful, 
and elegant like a Queen. This is the most favorite design! 
A blend between a dress color and background really 
stunning. Moreover, when I gave a purplish effect on the designs.
 It's really a very beautiful work! Love this looks! 

That's all of my design! Please give a comment, thankyou for visit my blog! I really appreciate it!;D

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